We believe that sustainable development is driven by good intentions, powered by better data, in pursuit of the best outcome for all our stakeholders.

Create a sustainable development strategy today for a better tomorrow.

SustaInc is a certified sustainability reporting initiative between 9212 Data and INHY Solutions, developing reports through the GRI Standards Framework, and other industry benchmarks to reflect ESG/CSR impacts for B2B/B2C clients and their regulatory and investing stakeholders. Inferential data science furnishes sustainability best practices for integration into corporate strategy.

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our services

Developing data management capacity to mitigate harmful ESG impacts.

Identifying, evaluating, and predicting the multivariate consequences of current corporate strategy and sustainable development policy, including associated programs. Proprietary tools are developed in-house, including quantitative differential analytics, predictive modeling, materiality assessments, and network analyses, enhanced with cutting-edge automation, code, and data science.

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who we are

Sustainability data scientists and business analysts with an affinity for monitoring and evaluation.

9212 Data LLC works with private sectors companies, international organizations, NGOs, research think tanks, academic institutions, and governments to provide cutting-edge literature, tools, and methodologies steeped in sustainable development data science/analytics to facilitate industry compliance and successful implementation of governance, policy, and programs.

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