about us

Sustainability data scientists and business analysts with an affinity for monitoring and evaluation.

9212 Data LLC works private sectors companies, international organizations, NGOs, research think tanks, academic institutions, and governments to provide cutting-edge literature, tools, and methodologies steeped in sustainable development data science/analytics to facilitate industry compliance and successful implementation of governance, policy, and programs.

Our operational signature is speed - by keeping the core small, we successfully develop targeted multi-dimensional integrative solutions to resolve most business and economic development problems. We are international experts specializing in various thematic areas, implementation methodologies, and languages (English, Mandarin, and German).

Nina Schneider


Irene Ng Sega

Director - Sustainability Reporting

Hani Aridi

Consultant - Sustainability

Jed Arden

Consultant - Data & Analytics
memberships & supports

We are committed to accountable, transparent, and responsible organizational behavior by measuring our impact and mitigating the negative consequences.

9212 Data LLC makes the UNFCCC Climate Neutral Now Pledge striving towards becoming GHG emission neutral by 2030, committing to measure accurately impact from our business operations, make deliberate efforts to voluntarily reduce, and compensate residual emissions through offsetting.